Cor's Tour du Canada Adventure 2005
July 30 - Day 36
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Toughest physical day to date. First off we are doing over a century in distance, then there are the hills of the Canadian Shield which ended up giving us our highest climbing distance in any day so far of 1700ms as well as dealing with a headwind that was very persistant through out the day. Even our days in the mountains could not prepare us for this, we had less elevation gain as well as shorter distances. My timing put me into a heavy drizzle in the late morning for about a half hour, still won't count this as a rain day since it did not penetrate my shoes. The only positive thing about the day for me from the ride point of view was being able to accomplish it and to do so before it was dark. There were a number of good views that helped the day along but I did decide to do it on my own so that I could take breaks when necessary and travel at the rate which best suited my energy level at the time. I am writing this a day late due to the late arrival in camp and needing to eat, set up my tent and fit a shower in.
Jamie heading down one of our steep hills for the day.
Scenic shot.
Tess, Nicole and Jim coming over a crest in a hill between a rock cut.
Looking back half way up one of the more scenic climbs but also the steepest and longest.
Scenic Shots and sunset after arriving in Ney's Provincial Park.
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