Cor's Tour du Canada Adventure 2005
June 25 - Day 1
Orientation Day

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Orientation day - what can I say, it is what is says. Day was mostly spent learning about what our day to day routine would be like, getting an itinerary of our daily stops, road safety and getting to know our cook crew. The most time was spent on the topic of cooking as this is a very important part of our adventure, wanting to make sure everyone eats well for all the calories we will be needing and make sure we do not get sick in the meantime.

Learning the mobile kitchen set up.

Group listening to Bud impart his wisdom. View of mobile bike maintenance cart in the foreground.

Tomorrow we start the official tour riding. I am on rotation for first cook duty tomorrow night (trout, rice and salad) at a trout farm and then a breakfast the following morning of oatmeal. Fortunate for our group that the first day is not overly long in riding though we will be riding city roads for a long distance just to get out of Vancouver.

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